Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Complexity of Love

I tried to mislay you
I ran
Obsessed with a fabled sovereignty
We would stand face to face
Hand to hand
Soul to soul
Furthermore the quicker I ran
I struggled to expunge the memories of us
Souls and bodies as one
In the midst of another I glance left
On the wall were shadows of us
You and I
Evermore we shall be
But I never told you
How you make me feel
Deep within my heart
A fire burns; it turns to embers at times
But as you draw closer to me the embers twist to flame
I still need you
Forever need you
You and no more than you
You are the one and only
I close my eyes and I see you in front of me
I ran, blindly through the lane eager for traffic to numb the sting
Thinking that I could live devoid of you was an oversight
Thank God you never left
You were nearby
I collapsed in your arms; you carried me away
Away from the pain
Away from the chaos, the uncertainty
And the rest just fell away
Akin to melting snow on a blistering road
I’m nothing without you
You make me… me
To you I belong
Always and forever
Forever and Always
Through it all we will be us
I love you

1 comment:

  1. Interesting images. I like how the emotions in the poem seem to ebb and flow.
