Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Beautiful Soul

Tell me a tale
One of magical places
Places where when
 You go there I’ll see
I’ll see the pure splendor
Of a face unseen
But a soul fully known
We are in a season
A season of loss
But the growth of
A beautiful soul
A soul that
When I see you in heaven
All my questions will be answered
So don’t tell me that tale
Come to me in my dreams
Remind me that the reasons I’m here
And you are there
Make sense
And when I wake
Let me feel the warmth of you
Of you once in my womb
But now a extraordinary memory
In my heart
A special thread in my soul
Without it
The rest of this life would seem for not
Let me walk in the sand
And you’ll be the softness under my feet as I walk
You’ll be the breeze that lifts my hair
You’ll be the still small voice
The voice given with God
The voice that says
We’ll meet again
And when I lay my head to rest at night
I’ll put my hand to my core
And to you, with a still small voice
Empowered by faith
I’ll say
I’ve loved you before I met you
Warmed by the sweet memory
You, my forever child; Have bestowed onto me

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