Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Over it

The road is extensive, twisting
Narrow, tough and exact
The struggles are irrelevant
As I know that I am candid in all that I do
Its over
The torturing myself
The fixing
The division that was caused
The breach that cannot be mended
Dealt by the utmost of all traitors
The pain, the clouds cast about my head
Gone now; the need to plead
For my hands and feet are guided by heavens’ holiest of the holy
Vanished now is the desperation, the urgency to make believers out of naught
My smile is that of poise
A smile pointedly a demonstration of my faith in the lord
 Those who cast bread upon the water
Best prepare themselves for the remnants to return
At last, it is done, over, finished
I march straight of spine, spirit high
For god’s love is vast
Greater than the Foley that falls about us

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