Friday, October 29, 2010

For the Broken

Part 1
Gone, I’ve vanished
Shadows, desolate and bitter
White smoke numbs the cry
But the tears that run down my face
Are hotter than any flame
Pictures of her haunt me
Guns and grenades didn’t aid
I’ve run from one side of the game to the other
No forgetting
The ache in my chest
Seems to take hold of my mind
My every thought
I wish desperately for Novocain
To take hold of my mind
To help me forget

Part 2
I see you
Oh desperate one
Reach for me
I’ll pull you out of the hole you think you’ve dug
Not an angel but a human being
Beating heart in rhythm to the sting you suffer
Take a bough
Run no more
No Novocain
What you seek
You will find
In the arms of the Lord

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