Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Mother, Lost

A Mother, Lost

my heart beats
blood tepid pluse swift
so much force tiresome
too much toil and turn

when will it be sufficient
the cursing the yelling
shutting me in the bathroom

falling on the floor i reach
for my branch
what have i done
what gaffe have I permitted into
our lives

A  child within me now
at this instant
at this juncture
 i stand
holding fast to the belief
that all will be sound
holding fast to my conviction

driving in the heart of the way
i look to the babe hidden
soundly in the back seat

I pray that we make it home
in safe hands
where is home
my mentality says here with you
my spirit knows anywhere but with you

I stare at you
i recognize you
I do not

I know that babe
in the back seat

I know now that you
are you
and I'm not stupid

I know now that my trust was wrong
i placed my reliance in you
when it should have been in the Lord

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