Saturday, November 6, 2010


As we struggle with the things we cannot explain
We ask
Why God Why?
Why me?
Why my family?
Why God?
And as we sit there, tears streaming down our faces
It seems we wait an eternity for the answers
Closing off our hearts, putting our minds under lock and key
Anger swells like hot air in a balloon
And the balloon soars because heat rises
But there comes a point when it runs out, the balloon comes down
We realize that the anger has changed nothing.
The grass is still the same color green as when we took off
The faces of the people around us are still the same
Then appears the man who walks over to the balloon and releases the strings
Though the balloon leaves, the basket stays
Finally the light comes on
And we know now to let go
Let go, let go, let go, let go
And just as the heat of anger rises to the sky
Someday so will our spirits.
And they will mingle among the angels
Our sweet, luminescent angels
It soars finally because we let go
And we let God
We let go, we let God and we have faith
So have faith my friends, and your answers will come
Like a breeze over the ocean, like foot prints in the sand
A dream that feels so real we can smell and feel everything about us
You will sit up and thank God for keeping you
For he kept you, because you kept faith in him

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