Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I suffer this approaching panic
Shaking my head fiercely to rid my mind
As if it were raining and the fear would roll
From my mind to my face
Down my neck and chest
To my toes where I stood in the puddle of the anxiety I created
And simply walk away from this…This quiet facing the gale
For, a steady quiet stream is far from the chaos that will come
And I can feel it
Straight down to the marrow of my willowy bones
A change in the rhythm of the cascading waterfall I dub my life
My very breath is shallow and quick in anticipation of the unknown
My heart is racing, feeling as if it will beat right out of my chest
 And I cry out a loud agonizing plea that no one hears but me
Because I know I can’t impede it, can’t stop it
I sleep, I dream, I know, I plead; beg for the knowledge to be concrete
To know exactly what storm I face…
Or is it that of another?
As a little girl, knowing when the phone would ring was exciting
As a teen having dreams that seemed to come to life at times seemed inevitable
As a woman being paid these gut wrenching feelings … a knowing
A blessing or a curse will always be my core reflection
Breathing acutely I ponder this sense of trepidation

Refusing to listen to what I discern already is to be
Finally, I will sleep
And tomorrow the phone will ring; I already know whose calling
I’ll turn on the television, already knowing to turn on the news
A single tear trailing down my pale cheek
Outside sirens sound
Footsteps … uniforms and badges
A knock on the door
OH could I have prevented this?
All along I knew!
Retracing the steps in my mind; I’m reeling with emotion
A shaking brings my mind to the surface
It’s my husband; just a dream he says
I fall against the pillows, turning my face towards the window
I notice the moon is full                                   
I feel wetness on my cheek
The single tear from my dream was on my face.


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