Saturday, October 30, 2010

to a forever mother

 Small shallow breaths
To slow the rapid beats
Of my broken heart
Forever seeking a moment that
Will forever be just out of reach
A physical loss of the life of a child
A child never born
But who lived inside the womb and heart
Of a forever mother
Never forgotten
Remembered forever and always
A mother’s undying love
A constant vigil
What will always be
The life of a child never made imperfect
And so I will forever remember loving you
A soul untouched
By a world driven by pride
A spirit in its purest form
Free to look down upon us
Free to watch as we grow
And ready ourselves to meet our maker
And he smiles
My angel child spirit
As he knows that he will be but a season remembered
Lord take my hand
As I feel myself falling into the sadness
In the still of the quiet
With each breath
With the steady rhythm of my heart
I will remember you
A memory still
A memory always you’ll be
Forever perfect
In the still quiet moments
Forever small, forever a dream
A perfect forever dream

Friday, October 29, 2010

For the Broken

Part 1
Gone, I’ve vanished
Shadows, desolate and bitter
White smoke numbs the cry
But the tears that run down my face
Are hotter than any flame
Pictures of her haunt me
Guns and grenades didn’t aid
I’ve run from one side of the game to the other
No forgetting
The ache in my chest
Seems to take hold of my mind
My every thought
I wish desperately for Novocain
To take hold of my mind
To help me forget

Part 2
I see you
Oh desperate one
Reach for me
I’ll pull you out of the hole you think you’ve dug
Not an angel but a human being
Beating heart in rhythm to the sting you suffer
Take a bough
Run no more
No Novocain
What you seek
You will find
In the arms of the Lord

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Desparate Man

As I lay absent
I know not what I’ve done
Rapt in the soil of what is human
When all I desire is sovereignty
Toil and turn
Howling out for mercy
No one hears me
As you all are beside me
You weep as if I suffer
Oh I was, I did for an era
But it was your prayers that has stayed me
Two spirits, one body, one soul
My eyes open
And I stare past the weeping ones
My eyes open
I see you
And as my body lies in suffer
You reach for me
You seize me from the pain
From the chaos
You are the hurricane
I am the tree
And I bend
As I finally feel your love
Wash over me
And I finally have peace
A peace I tried in desperation to find here
When all along
All I had to do was open my eyes
I see you now
And you are beautiful

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Beautiful Soul

Tell me a tale
One of magical places
Places where when
 You go there I’ll see
I’ll see the pure splendor
Of a face unseen
But a soul fully known
We are in a season
A season of loss
But the growth of
A beautiful soul
A soul that
When I see you in heaven
All my questions will be answered
So don’t tell me that tale
Come to me in my dreams
Remind me that the reasons I’m here
And you are there
Make sense
And when I wake
Let me feel the warmth of you
Of you once in my womb
But now a extraordinary memory
In my heart
A special thread in my soul
Without it
The rest of this life would seem for not
Let me walk in the sand
And you’ll be the softness under my feet as I walk
You’ll be the breeze that lifts my hair
You’ll be the still small voice
The voice given with God
The voice that says
We’ll meet again
And when I lay my head to rest at night
I’ll put my hand to my core
And to you, with a still small voice
Empowered by faith
I’ll say
I’ve loved you before I met you
Warmed by the sweet memory
You, my forever child; Have bestowed onto me

Dedicated to the Unseen

Woken by an unfamiliar alteration
I knew something had changed
White lights and taut beds
You seized my hand
And looked into my eyes
As we knew what we have mislaid
And the angels weep
For the souls left on earth
Anguished the loss of what could have been
And never was
The angels cried
As they cradled chaste virtue
Reading them for what would be
And the angels smiled
Knowing what we do not
But eminence silently
For our faith to grow strong
So we then will know
Innocence vanished on earth
 was gained above
And the angels cry

A Mother, Lost

A Mother, Lost

my heart beats
blood tepid pluse swift
so much force tiresome
too much toil and turn

when will it be sufficient
the cursing the yelling
shutting me in the bathroom

falling on the floor i reach
for my branch
what have i done
what gaffe have I permitted into
our lives

A  child within me now
at this instant
at this juncture
 i stand
holding fast to the belief
that all will be sound
holding fast to my conviction

driving in the heart of the way
i look to the babe hidden
soundly in the back seat

I pray that we make it home
in safe hands
where is home
my mentality says here with you
my spirit knows anywhere but with you

I stare at you
i recognize you
I do not

I know that babe
in the back seat

I know now that you
are you
and I'm not stupid

I know now that my trust was wrong
i placed my reliance in you
when it should have been in the Lord