Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Desparate Man

As I lay absent
I know not what I’ve done
Rapt in the soil of what is human
When all I desire is sovereignty
Toil and turn
Howling out for mercy
No one hears me
As you all are beside me
You weep as if I suffer
Oh I was, I did for an era
But it was your prayers that has stayed me
Two spirits, one body, one soul
My eyes open
And I stare past the weeping ones
My eyes open
I see you
And as my body lies in suffer
You reach for me
You seize me from the pain
From the chaos
You are the hurricane
I am the tree
And I bend
As I finally feel your love
Wash over me
And I finally have peace
A peace I tried in desperation to find here
When all along
All I had to do was open my eyes
I see you now
And you are beautiful

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